f you are able, come to meet our new gardeners and work together on a few tasks,as well as fulfilling your community garden volunteer hours.
Volunteer teams can meet to organize tasks:
- Picnic table needs sanding and staining
- Cardboard and wood chips applied to paths is ongoing, please bring any large pieces
of cardboard if able to.
- Identify need for any new garden tools this year,such as wheelbarrow, shovels,etc.
- Identify presence of invasive weeds in plots or on paths: Be on the lookout for Canada thistle,which has been a problem in our garden. If you do see any in or around your plot-do not pull it out! Especially important for those of us surrounding the wood chipped plots. If you are a new gardener and need help identifying this invasive weed, please ask another gardener to help,or email the HCG @ Hatfieldcommunitygarden@gmail.com
- Assess need for reordering Bear Path Compost: Please email HCG if you have prepaid for compost that you have not taken- we are trying to get an idea of how much we need to reorder. Please remember to pay for any compost used- $2.50 per 5 gallon bucket! Envelopes for payment are located at the garden-either at the pile, or in the shed.
Shed combination is 9999. You may also drop off payment @ outdoor mailbox at the Hatfield Town Hall.(drive up slot)
-Bring any seeds or plants to share or trade!
- Help gardeners with setting up compost bins in individual plots
- Water is turned on and meter is attached (thanks to Jeff B!) Please be mindful of water usage, and remember to check that the water pump handle is shut off before leaving garden.
-Bring any ideas or questions/concerns you may have to share - there is no garden manager or one person who leads this garden- we have a steering committee of 5 volunteers who are fellow gardeners. We appreciate any suggestions for your vision of what you'd like the HCG to be!
Hope to see you soon at the garden!